
South & Wool is a creation from Sophia Luong and Jeff Allen. In May 2009, while perusing photo blogs on the internet, Sophia became inspired to take on her own daily photo project; to share her views through her lens with close friends across the nation. While keeping her personal commitment to a photo a day, she was getting restless and constantly looking for new inspiration. After browsing through a few team-collaborative photo blogs, she decided it was time for a partner-in-crime...someone with equal drive and creativity to commit to the goal of taking one photo a day for a year.

After a brief Gchat disscusion, Jeff agreed to commit: they would each take one photo a day for an entire year, with no other boundaries. Just one photo, from each person, every day. In the spirit of the inevitable randomness that would occur with two people living in different parts of the USA (Jeff lives in Brooklyn, NY - Sophia lives in Ann Arbor, MI), they decided to name the photo blog by typing the first word that popped into their heads.

Jeff: lets have the word AND in the middle
i.e. socks AND sandals
Sophia: ok you think of the first word and i think of the 2nd
Jeff: south
Sophia: WOOL
Sophia: South and Wool
that sounds like a really hip store

And the rest, as they say, is history. 

Do enjoy!

About This Blog

A creation from Sophia Luong and Jeff Allen.

An Idiosyncratic Photo experiment.
Taken from two different people
In two different locations
Across the globe.

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