May 16: Sunday

A long overdue art project...

May 15: Saturday

When Jodi shows off her granny socks, it's a fun-filled night!

May 14: Friday

Matt recovers from nose surgery, hides from camera.

May 13: Thursday

Michigan Theater to see Babies! An organ player in bottom left entertains the audience before start of movie.

May 12: Wednesday

Just Blowdryin'!

May 11: Tuesday

A rainy day behind the Big Blue bus

May 10: Monday

A flower leftover from Mother's Day

May 9: Sunday

Celebrating Mother's Day and dad's birthday with sushi - success : Precious Private Property fenced off in DC.

May 8: Saturday

Cait gets a pink limo birthday surprise! : Every driver's reaction when the pull up behind this vehicle

May 7: Friday

"Been There, Done That, Now Jodi's 24" : Patrons lined up for IRON MAN 2

May 6: Thursday

Prepping the sangria - lemons, limes, and oranges, oh my! : What some may call "Modern Art in the beautiful Sculpture Garden

May 5: Wednesday

Geocaching in the Miller Nature Area. : This company knew Jeff was so excited for Cinco de Mayo they named themselves after his mental state.

May 4: Tuesday

Sundry of soda in preparation for the birthday festivities. : Tree grate pattern outside UDC.

May 3: Monday

Mama Luong taking her walk while Dad and I play tennis. : Cool Cloud formations as a storm rolls in over Van Ness.

About This Blog

A creation from Sophia Luong and Jeff Allen.

An Idiosyncratic Photo experiment.
Taken from two different people
In two different locations
Across the globe.

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